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Live Chat

Live Chat is a real-time chat based on chat room you select, you can chat with all users on the room, we really love it. the conversation on rooms are not saved on our system, messages to users are delivered while they are connected.
To access Live Chat.

  1. On the top bar menu tap Live Chat. button
  2. An interactive page will be shown.
  3. Select a Room name available from the list.
  4. Tap Enter button
  5. Start Chatting.

If you want to chat with a specific user you will need to go to his/her profile by tapping his/her name and then tap Private Live Chat button located near profile picture. a chat room id will be send to the user via message and the user will decide to enter or not. When you request a live chat to user make sure don't share it private chat room id to anyone unless you want to chat with other users in the same private chat room, this called a group chat.
While we offer a list of chat room, it is possible you create a chat room id and share the link with anyone you want to include on the chat room. Any chat room id you create are not saved on our end, so you can create a chat room id anytime you want.

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